Home > Charity > Social circus program with women circus victoria
POSTED ON: 08 Apr 2018
In collaboration with women’s circus, DBSV very successfully concluded social circus program along with Nepal Australia circus community day yesterday, after three weeks of social circus workshop for Nepalese women ‘Be the best women’s group’. Through this very interesting program we learnt new skills and many tips for our mind- body fitness which can be used in daily basis in our home, family and community.
The program was very innovative and creative with the application of social circus approach that was underpinned by a broad theme of DBSV women’s capacity and confidence building. All women who participated had unique experiences of learning new skills that never known before, leading to build their confidence
In addition, it was a great opportunity for DBSV to establishing working relationships with Women’s circus and knowing the story of Kathmandu circus; formed by our own brave women. We are really grateful and thankful to Women’s circus for their incredible contributions and generosity to our women’s group and we are also thankful to Sarswati and Sheetal, very brave and inspiring women from Kathmandu circus. It was really great to meet them here in Australia. Thank you those who participated in the program.
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