Information Session on COVID-19 Vaccine and Vaccine Rollout Program in Victoria-2021


 Didibahini Samaj Victoria (DBSV) in partnership with the Department of Health organized and hosted an information session for the Nepalese community members addressing various aspects of the COVID-19 vaccination, vaccine distribution, safety, efficacy, and eligibility. The information session was intended to advise and update Nepalese community members about the latest updates on the COVID-19 vaccination and vaccine-related issues.

The COVID-19 vaccine information session took place on 8th June 2021 via Zoom.  Around 88 participants attended the session via the digital platform, Zoom. The opening remarks of the session were delivered by Parsuram Sharma Luital, Senior Stakeholder Engagement Advisor, COVID-19 Vaccination Program, Victorian Department of Health followed by the acknowledgement of country and introduction of the guest speaker by Dr Jamuna Parajuli (President of DBSV).

The session was then successfully led by Professor Benjamin Cowie, Epidemiologist, Senior Medical Advisor and Executive Director, Covid-19 Immunisation Program, Department of Health. Professor Benjamin facilitated PowerPoint Presentation on COVID-19 Vaccine, its efficacy, importance, eligibility, and other information related to the vaccine rollout program in Victoria followed by Q&A from participants. Professor Benjamin was joined by Mohammad (Manager, COVID-19 Vaccination Program, Victorian Department of Health) who added additional discussion and answered questions asked by the participants.

During the session, the panel of health experts discussed and answered various topics and queries related to the Covid vaccine including overall vaccination trends in Victoria and the situation regarding the Covid vaccine, its importance and potential side effects and challenges post-vaccination including measures to address the mild adverse events (such as fever, nausea, headache, pain, aches, anaphylaxis). Besides, the health experts also noted the need for and importance of vaccinations and protective measures after vaccination urging everyone to get vaccinations as soon as possible. The closing remark of the session and vote of thanks was delivered by Anjana Nepal, Executive Member of DBSV.

Few Snapshots
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