FREE Breast Cancer Screening program

DBSV, in partnership with BreastScreen Victoria, is organising a FREE Breast Cancer Screening program for Nepali and Bhutanese immigrant women (including visiting aama haru from Nepal) in September 2019.

Please fill the form below for yourself, your mother, your mother-in-law or sisters (VISITORS are eligible for the screening, they don’t require medicare or insurance to access this program and will be guided if diagnosed for further treatment)

** A breast screen is an X-ray picture of the breast (also called a mammogram).
** Breast screens can find cancers that are too small to see or feel.
** The earlier breast cancer is found the better the chance of a positive outcome.
** For women aged 40-74, every two years breast screening is proven to save lives.
** It is free.
** Takes about 10 minutes, and is provided by female radiographer
** Doctor’s referral not required

Link to the registration form:

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