WOMEN DIALOGUE DIGITAL FORUM 3: “Women Entrepreneurs and their challenges” 2021
Home > Reports > WOMEN DIALOGUE DIGITAL FORUM 3: “Women Entrepreneurs and their challenges” 2021
POSTED ON: 18 Oct 2021
This is a report of a women dialogue digital forum organised by Didi Bahini Samaj Victoria with a motivating theme “Women Entrepreneurs and their Challenges”. The session was held on the 8th of August, 2021 to highlight the challenges faced by women entrepreneurs and to share panel speakers’ valuable insights to inspire the initiation of women-owned and women-led enterprises. The forum was organised and facilitated via a digital platform, Zoom. The digital platform brought together six women entrepreneurs (panel speakers) from Nepal and Australia.
Didibahini Samaj Victoria (DBSV) would like to “Thank You” all our well-wishers, supporters, guests, media representatives, motivational speakers, photographers, community members and hardworking volunteers who physically and morally supported our
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In collaboration with women’s circus, DBSV very successfully concluded social circus program along with Nepal Australia circus community day yesterday, after three weeks of social circus workshop for Nepalese women ‘Be the best women’s group’. Thr...
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